Sunday, February 13, 2011


Today was about scheduling. My daughter had a gymnastics meet and there is a lot to do to prepare for that and it was about an hour away. So on this fine Sunday morning my alarm went off about 10 to 7. It is really against the rules to have to wake up early on a Sunday, but to get the planned run in it had to be done.

I got up, drank coffee and ate an Adkins Bar for breakfast. Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not on the Adkins diet or any diet at all for that matter. My son likes them, they were handy so I ate one. Then off to the gym for my long run. Yep all the way up to 5 miles now.

To my surprise Sunday mornings at my gym are very busy. There were several open treadmills when I got there, but they filled up quickly. This meant that I had to spend the majority of my run feeling guilty for ignoring the 30 minute policy. My gym, like most, have a 30 minute policy if folks are waiting for a machine. Do your 30 minutes and get off. I've found most people ignore it. I ignore it. Mostly cuz it takes me that long to run 2.5 miles and well that is just not long enough. But today I was running 5 and that was going to keep me on well past the 30 minutes allotted to me. I always worry that some skinny blonde girl is gonna lean over and check my timer and meanly tell me to get the hell off. Of course then I'll ask her... who do you really think needs to be on here? Me or You? In the end I'd win, but loose too! Nobody did that, but I was prepared!

I logged my 5 in about 65 minutes and then quietly surrendered my mill to the next victim. Off to start the rest of my day with my family. On a side note Avery did great in gymnastics. Two blue ribbons and two red ribbons. YEAH!

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